Clarence Acox Jazz Scholars

Jazz is For Everyone
Studies have proven that music education results in better academic, emotional, and social outcomes for young people. As a part of our Clarence Acox Jazz Scholars Program, SRJO is looking forward to developing new collaborations within the jazz and music education community in order to help meet the increasing needs of school-age music students and bring jazz and cultural learning opportunities to both students and educators in the greater Seattle area.
Quality Educators
SRJO Member and former Jazz Scholars Director Alex Dugdale says “For me, music did more than enhance my social experience, turning a time of tumultuous change into an exciting journey of self-discovery. It taught me discipline, it taught me that feelings are good to have and gave me a safe space to express those feelings.”
The Jazz Scholars program seeks to help passionate music students in the greater Seattle area that are at risk of “falling through the cracks” by connecting them with mentors through private lessons and in-school music coaching.

Providing Support
SRJO engages in educational initiatives to promote music education and appreciation. By sharing knowledge and expertise, our orchestra members inspire and mentor aspiring young musicians, promoting the growth of musical talent within the community.
Please consider supporting these outstanding educators and their amazing students with a donation.